Drunk, Entitled UConn Kid Gets Ass Kicked After Throwing Hissy-Fit About Mac-N-Cheese In The Student Union

Being a spoiled, entitled brat + the munchies = This incredible video out of Storrs, Connecticut last night. Early this morning tipsters at UConn started blowing us up about a late night “incident” in one of the school’s dining halls. The drunk kid in the video above waltzed into the student union, opened a beer, and  then demanded employees to give him “some fucking bacon jalapeño mac-‘n-cheese.” They refused. So he went ballistic on the manager, causing a scene and acting like the biggest spoiled brat on the planet.

Judging by our inbox from the tip line, this asshole is the entire talk of UConn right now. I can’t understand why, too. The video a fellow Husky captured of his temper tantrum is viral gold.

Mad respect to the manager. He keeps his cool the entire time. I started dying laughing when he calls him idiot for bringing a bottle of beer into the student union, then the kid pulls a “ISN’T THIS AMERICA?” before telling him that he’s 19. The kid refuses to leave and then goes full asshole, calling the manager’s job a joke before pushing him and saying that the police won’t come. A fellow student tries to intervene before more people get involved.

The kid just doesn’t stop. This drunk, entitled brat continues jawing for nine minutes straight to every food service employee in the Student Union. Eventually, he gets what’s coming to him when he pushes the manager and gets taken to the floor.

I’m surprised he didn’t play the “DO YOU KNOW WHO MY DAD IS?!” card that privileged assholes play. Have fun being arrested and expelled from college forever, Bro. Being refused bacon jalapeño mac & cheese was totally worth it. I’m sure mommy and daddy will love hearing that story after footing your tuition and housing bills last year.

Being drunk and hangry sucks. But usually you just go down to the 7-11, buy a bag of Pizza Combos, and power through it until you can get real food in the morning. This is just uncalled for.

Screw this kid. He’s everything wrong with America.

UPDATE: Apparently this isn’t the kid’s first run-in with college cops:


UPDATE II: We have a name! Allegedly it’s Luke Gatti and here is a news story about his arrest at UMass Amherst last year. He was apparently arrested twice in the same month, one time even assaulting an officer, according to this report:

Apparently Phillips Street, alcohol, Luke Gatti and late night weekends, make for a bad combination. Perhaps because he’s only 18-years-old, but still no excuse for such outlandish behavior.

Arrested two weeks ago on Phillips Street for disorderly conduct (which included calling a detective the N-word), this time around Mr. Gatti seemed to go out of his way to get arrested yet again on that same notorious street, and when taken back to the police station, assaulted an officer.

With his father looking on, Luke Gatti was arraigned this morning before Judge John Payne who set bail at $250, taken out of the $1,000 bail posted over the weekend to get out of jail.

Noting the arrest only two weeks ago Judge Payne said to Gatti, “I’m a little concerned you’re going to pull a trifecta before the month is over.”


Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com