Sadly, None Of These Six ECU Dudes Arrested For Breaking Into An Apartment And Stealing A Dog Is Named ‘Chad’

Chads, man. They break into your college apartment during primetime party hours on Saturday night and steal your dog out of an “act of revenge” over some girl. Sadly, none of the dudes/douchebags pictured above are named “Chad” (and, we’ll add, they’re all innocent until proven guilty). That said, the all-Hawaiian shirt mugshot looks like a fraternity composite and needs to be immortalized forever in the Bro hall of fame.

via WITN:

Victims told police they heard loud banging on the front door and when they went downstairs they found several men had walked through the unlocked door and took their dog.

The victims said when they confronted the men, the group was outside and near the door. The victims told police they closed the door, while the men continued to push against the door in an attempt to open it.

Police say the men eventually left, and did not take the dog with them.

A short time later, police say the men called one of the victims while police were still there and told him to meet them on Library Street to fight. Police instead went there and arrested the six.

Tanner Bridges, 21, Caleb Quinn, 20, Casey Dyer, 20, Dylan Cole, 19, Brandon Stroud, 18, and Taylor Larson, 19, have all been charged with breaking/enter to terrorize/injury.

I don’t care who you are or how tanked up you are on Malibu, pretty messed up to take another person’s dog. Only Chads do that. I.E.:

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: