I’ve made up my mind: if I was given a time machine and allowed to spend a year in the past I’d go straight to 1986 University of Maryland and pledge Theta Chi. Richard ‘Sumpy’ Paton and his fellow frat daddies were livin’ the goddamn dream!
This video’s perfect. In fact, the only thing missing form this video is that it’s not a power hour. It’s 21 minutes long. All that has to be done is someone needs to upload this to YouTube 3x, breaking it out with a reminder to drink ever 60-seconds, and we’ve got one hell of a drinking game on our hands here.
So much denim. Such sweet lettuce. The 1980’s really was the Golden Era of the 20th Century. Another thing that’s blowing my mind right now is that somehow this U of M Theta Chi bro got his hands on a camcorder back in 1986. Didn’t camcorders cost as much as a car back then?! I suppose he could’ve checked it out from the University, but I’m just going to assume that the camcorder was purchased by one of the brother’s rich ass father (a father who was a Theta Chi class of ’62).
If you don’t have a full 21 minutes to spend watching this video might I suggest this? Jumping ahead to around minute 6 where we’ve got the ‘Theta Chi’ song montage complete with radical skiing scenes, Michael Jordan dunking, and everything else that embodied the year 1986.