Hey guys, had a solid story that you guys might dig. I went up to Mammoth Mountain with some friends and the UCLA Ski team (we go to UCLA) for new years. One of the days we are up there we do the whole wake up and take handle pulls until we are shit-faced thing. We head over to the local bagel shop where we are somewhat belligerent at this point. We ask the manager working if we could bring our beer bong into the shop. Being the chill ass dude we was, he ok's it. We slip him a beer. So as we are getting sloppy in this bagel shop getting ready for the slopes. In walks Tony Hawk. Yes, The Tony Hawk. Immediately we stumble over there. Beer Bong at hand and plead for him to do it. This is around 9am. Surprisingly enough, he's down. Says he'll do half, but we already poured the thing. He goes on to kill that beer like he was back on the pipe casually throwing 9's.
Here is another photo, though the quality is kinda terrible:
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