VIDEO: UVA Student Has Face Bloodied Outside Bar After Being Arrested For A Fake ID

St. Patrick’s Day in Charlottesville turned into a nightmare for third-year UVA student Martese Johnson. UVA’s student newspaper,, reports that Johnson arrested at 12:41 a.m. on March 18th in front of Trinity Irish Pub near the UVA campus. Via Cavalier Daily:

Johnson was arrested on charges of resisting arrest, obstructing justice without threats of force, and profane swearing or intoxication in public. The arresting officer was Alcohol and Beverage Control special agent J. Miller.

Miller noted on the arrest record that Johnson “was very agitated and belligerent but [has] no previous criminal history.”

In the course of the arrest, Johnson sustained a head injury requiring 10 stitches.

Johnson was held at $1,500 bail with the specification he be released on an unsecured bond when sober. He was released at 6:01 a.m. Wednesday morning.

Getting battered in the head seems a little extreme for using a fake ID, no? A video of the incident went viral, as you can watch above. A student advocacy group called Black Dot also made this horrifying photo public from the incident:

Black Dot also released this statement to the newspaper:

An email from Black Dot, signed by “Concerned Black Students,” said the arrest was unprovoked as Johnson was not resisting questioning or arrest. The email included a photo of Johnson bleeding while being held outside Trinity.

“Outside of the doors of Trinity Irish Pub, a mass of University students bore witness to the officer’s animalistic, insensitive, and brute handling of Martese,” the email said. “He was left with his blood splattered on the pavement of University Avenue.”

The email asks for a “swift and thorough investigation on the state, local and University levels.”

Johnson is a member of the Honor Committee and Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. Virginia’s ABC agents, who arrested and beat Johnson, released this statement, via Huffington Post:

“The uniformed ABC Agents observed and approached the individual after he was refused entry to a licensed establishment,” Virginia ABC said in a statement. “A determination was made by the agents to further detain the individual based on their observations and further questioning.” ABC officials declined to elaborate.

Again… Beating him into a pulp and because his fake was denied? And he wasn’t resisting? WTF, Virginia?

According to the Huffington Post, Virginia Govenor Terry McAuliffe on Wednesday asked state police to investigate the arrest.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: