West Virginia’s Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Suspended Over This Sexist ‘Real World’ Audition Tape

An audition tape for MTV’s The Real World has had some real world consequences for the West Virginia University chapter of Delta Tau Delta.

A video put together by one of its members, Stephen Budkey, has caused his fraternity to be “suspended indefinitely” thanks to a slew of sexist comments he made on the tape.

Shown making remarks like calling women “bitches” and talking about all the different places he’s had sex, the video once seen by Delta Tau Delta’s national headquarters, led to the chapter’s immediate suspension.

The video has since been deleted, but this being the Internet a few clips are still online.

Referring to his bedroom, he says: “People on audition tapes are always like, ‘that’s where the magic happens.’ That’s bullsh*t, the magic happens everywhere; behind the dumpster, outside, in a bathroom, in my car, sometimes in my room, you never know. It happens everywhere.”

In a second clip, he adds: “This is my room. I’m sorry guys, it’s a little messy. I’ll be honest with you, my bitches haven’t come to clean it up yet but you know after spring break they’ll be there and it’ll be real tidy.”

The Daily Mail continues…

The Intrafraternity Executive Council (IFC) said the video “included a tour of the Delta Tau Delta chapter house while making inappropriate comments toward women, describing social functions that violate the conduct code of the IFC, and referencing activities that violated and are contradicting to the values of the national fraternity.”

The statement said the council was “saddened that any member of the fraternity or sorority community would represent their organization and the University in this highly inappropriate manner.”

“This video simply does not represent the values that all fraternity men and sorority women agree to uphold when they accept membership in one of our organizations.’ the statement continued. ‘The Interfraternity Council firmly will not tolerate this or any type of unacceptable behavior from fraternity members at West Virginia University.”

Roy Baker, associate dean of students and director of Greek life at WVU, said about the tape, “It’s unfortunate that the actions of one individual sully the reputation of an entire organization, but the attitudes and behavior lifted up in this video are inconsistent with the values of Greek life in general and this University in particular.”

Here’s a little of what Budkey had to say on the video…


[Daily Mail]

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.