Aaron Rodgers Says He Doesn’t Watch Adult Films Because ‘They’ Can Put ‘Something’ On His Laptop To Frame Him

aaron rodgers tucker carlson

The Tucker Carlson Show/iStockphoto

Aaron Rodgers made a 2-plus-hour-long appearance on Tucker Carlson’s Twitter show and discussed, among other things, the fact that he does not watch adult films.

Rodgers’ claims about not enjoying adult entertainment were in tandem with his belief that “they could put something on your computer to cancel you.”

“They could put something on your computer to cancel you. They could set you up for something,” Rodgers said. “Thankfully, me, I don’t watch [adult movies]. I’ve never been into any weird kinky stuff. So, it’d be really, you know…”

Carlson then cut Rodgers off and agreed with him by saying it would be “pretty unwise for a prominent person to get into online [adult movies] because all that stuff is monitored,” before beginning to cackle.

Rodgers’ appearance on The Tucker Carlson Show also made headlines for his comments about the late Pat Tillman, as Rodgers said that his death was used as war propaganda.

“Pat Tillman, who left the NFL to join the Army, his death is very suspicious, in that — not the fact that we know he was killed by friendly fire — but the way they handled his body afterwards, his uniform, confiscating his last journal, using his death to prop up the war propaganda,” Rodgers said, citing Jon Krakauer’s book Where Men Win Glory.

Where Men Win Glory, however, isn’t endorsed by the Tillman family as one of his younger brothers, while speaking at a Sundance Film Festival event, once called Krakauer a “piece of…” before his mother cut him off.

Rodgers’ interview is just one of many that he’s given in recent months despite saying last year, while recovering from his Achilles tear that he suffered just three plays into the season, that “any bulls— that doesn’t have to do with winning has to get out” of the Jets’ building.

Eric Italiano BroBIble avatar
Eric Italiano is a NYC-based writer who spearheads BroBible's Pop Culture and Entertainment content. He covers topics such as Movies, TV, and Video Games, while interviewing actors, directors, and writers.