Belgian Man Gets Out Of Drunk Driving Charge By Proving His Body ‘Makes Alcohol’

man in a collared shirt holding a beer


A 40-year-old man in Belgium was able to avoid drunk-driving charges after he was able to prove that he has ABS: auto-brewery syndrome.

Auto-brewery syndrome is a real and rare condition that is, according to the University of Virginia Medical School, “caused by fermentation of ingested carbohydrate by gut fungi resulting in endogenous production of ethanol.”

While people with ABS produce the same type of alcohol that causes intoxication, they don’t actually become intoxicated. They may, however, experience symptoms associated with intoxication such as slurred speech, stumbling, loss of motor functions, and dizziness.

In short, the bodies of people with ABS turn ingested yeast into alcohol. And luckily for a Belgian man — who also literally works at a brewery — who was accused of drunk driving, he is one of those rare people that has ABS. In fact, he was first arrested for drunk driving in 2019, which is when he learned about his condition.

He was then arrested again in April and May of 2022 and was found to be over the legal alcohol limit both times.

“Anse Ghesquiere said on Monday that in ‘another unfortunate coincidence’ her client worked at a brewery, but three doctors who independently examined him had confirmed he had ABS.”

“Belgian media said in the verdict the judge emphasized that the defendant, who was not named in line with local judicial custom, did not experience symptoms of intoxication.” [via The Guardian]

Ghesquiere, who described the ruling as a force majeure, which means no party can be held accountable, also stated that just 20 people in the world have been officially diagnosed with the condition.

The Bruges police court would ultimately acquit the unnamed man. According to Sky News, though, the judge ordered the man to make changes to prevent this from happening again or risk a conviction if he fails a future breathalyzer test.

The University of Virginia’s July 2021 report on auto-brewery syndrome actually identified DWI arrests as one of the few things that help identify someone with the condition.

“Usually, these patients are either identified by a concerned family member or had been arrested for alleged ‘DWI’. Identifying these patients is difficult as ABS symptoms could masquerade as other entities. The medico-legal implications of DWI are self-evident. When investigating a patient with possible ABS, a complete medical history and a physical examination should be augmented with interrogation of family and friends as they may provide additional vital information.”

Eric Italiano BroBIble avatar
Eric Italiano is a NYC-based writer who spearheads BroBible's Pop Culture and Entertainment content. He covers topics such as Movies, TV, and Video Games, while interviewing actors, directors, and writers.