42 Of The Best Damn Photos On The Internet This Morning

Welcome! It’s my job to bring you the best funny memes of 2018 each day. Here at BroBible, I put out the ‘Best Damn Photos’ daily pic dump in the morning and afternoon, 52 weeks a year. This is your one-stop shop for the best funny memes, classical art memes, photos, sexy fishing pics, advice animals, Tumblr jokes, and more. Check in each day for the best memes of 2018.

I’ve been publishing the ‘Best Damn Photosdaily pic dump for the better part of a decade and if there’s one thing I’ve learned over time it’s that there is always a fresh feed of funny memes to be found each day. You could spend your entire day looking for the freshest and funniest memes around but it’s my job to save you time and put them all into an easily digestible gallery for you to share with friends.

If you have awesome pictures or funny memes that you think should be featured here on BroBible then let me know! There are three ways to send me your funny memes to be featured here on BroBible: 1) tag your Instagram photos with #BroBible on Instagram (follow us at @BroBible), 2) email me your funny photos to cass@brobibledotcom, or 3) tweet me your funniest memes and pics to @casspa on Twitter.



The cenotes in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula are some of the coolest natural structures in the world. They’re essentially sinkholes in the middle of the jungle and are almost all connected by underground rivers. They have some vibrant fish and really cool vegetation.


These stairs in Malaysia almost look fake. I can’t imagine the scope of work that went into building these.


I haven’t had the chance to visit Peru’s Macchu Picchu yet and that’s a pretty big regret for me. I need to get there. Definitely a bucket list destination.

These vertical garden balconies in Singapore are nuts. A pretty cool way to add some gree into the cityscape.

This is a healthy looking young snook. It’s got some dark colors in there, probably been hanging out in a river or in the backcountry somewhere.

The Amberjack aka Reef Donkey is not the smartest fish in the ocean. They’ll eat a lot of what you drop in front of them. But they pull like hell and they’re delicious when cooked fresh.

Mangrove Snapper is one of my favorite fish to eat. I’ve literally never been disappointed by this fish before.


That’s a whole lot of Mahi-Mahi for the cooler. They must’ve been eating like kings after that.


IF YOU WANT YOUR INSTAGRAM PICS/MEMES TO BE FEATURED HERE tag them with #BROBIBLE and I’ll include them if they’re good. Today’s photos came from all over on Instagram. If you have a photo you’d like to see featured here you can send it to me on Twitter at @casspa or you can email it to me at cass@brobibledotcom. I’m here to help you share your funny memes each and every day so don’t hesitate to hit me up if you’ve got some pictures that are so good you have to share them with the world.