Dude Expertly Trolls Neighbors With Hilarious Fake Posters Around His ‘Hood And These ‘Physical Memes’ Are Priceless

Physical Memes best of Instagram

iStockphoto / DZarzycka

  • The Physical Memes Instagram account is a brilliant example of trolling the public by bringing memes into the real world
  • The account showcases the real-life ‘fake’ posters (aka Physical Memes) he puts up around the neighborhood to confuse the neighbors
  • Here we take a look at the best of this Instagram meme account you should all know about
  • Read more BroBible articles here

The Physical Memes Instagram account showcases fake posters used to troll neighbors by plastering confusing messages around the neighborhood. The designs are brilliant. These memes are spectacular. And I felt like I needed to share the Physical Memes account with you all today to make your Instagram feed more fun.

One of my favorite genres of memes on Instagram is fake posters and high-quality photoshop memes. People taking something that’s otherwise normal and making it completely outrageous by incorporating photoshop skills. This is often seen in faked crossover movie posters which I feature regularly in my Best Damn Photos daily memes roundup.

Here we see the best memes from the Physical Memes account. This brand of comedy includes writing up completely over-the-top meme posters, printing them, and hanging them up on telephone poles like real posters. Except these are memes and not a cry for help to find someone’s lost cat.

Best of the Physical Memes Instagram Account

Need a tutor?

Heads up out there.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least somewhat interested. That’s the beauty of these Physical Memes, they are attention-grabbing.

Imagine seeing this one on your street corner:

I wonder how many people text these numbers…

Chaz has a message.

Sending a round of congratulations to Frank:

I dare anyone to try this. Anyone at all. You won’t.

Everyone could use a professional scapegoat.

Nine times out of ten we walk past posters without reading them but maybe we’ll stop and read them after seeing what the Physical Memes account is up to. This is comedy gold.

Now make sure to follow @brobible on Instagram and @PhysicalMemes if you’re not already!

Cass Anderson BroBible headshot and avatar
Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at cass@brobible.com