A Possible Bigfoot Sighting In Ohio Is Going Viral Thanks To HD Footage And Chilling Sounds Captured In The Clip

Sasquatch crossing sign Bigfoot

iStockphoto / pabradyphoto

The non-believers are always so quick to point to the lack of evidence of Bigfoot’s existence as proof that a Sasquatch or Bigfoot doesn’t exist. ‘If Bigfoot exists, why haven’t we seen him yet? Where are the bones?’

My personal theory is that being Bigfoot is similar to the Santa Clause™ in Santa Claus with Tim Allen. Where whoever happens upon the remains of Bigfoot or a Sasquatch is magically transformed into the next Bigfoot and wanders the earth in seclusion.

Alas, the hater will have absolutely zero ammo to use after seeing this 100% legitimate, crisp, and clear footage of a humanoid Bigfoot-like figure wandering through the woods in Ohio’s Salt Fork State Park. The HD footage also showcases some chilling audio of a bellowing figure in the woods which is another point of contention for the naysayers. They claim if Bigfoot is real then why don’t we hear him or her on the regular?

I’m sure there are one or two haters out there in the world that will claim this isn’t 100% indisputable proof that Bigfoot exists but I think those haters are wrong. So we can agree to disagree on that. It’s definitely not a hunter walking around in a furry suit. No chance.


Bigfoot is real meme

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People in the YouTube comments are divided on what to believe. Some people just cannot accept the clear as day evidence right in front of their eyes. They have to remain skeptics in spit of this overwhelming evidence that Bigfoot exists.

Bigfoot Sightning Ohio HD Footage Salt Fork State Park


Bigfoot Sightning Ohio HD Footage Salt Fork State Park


Bigfoot Sightning Ohio HD Footage Salt Fork State Park


Since the clip was uploaded on February 2nd it has already been viewed almost half a million times and it was picked up by the Daily Dot and Fox News this week. It’s nice to see that some people are willing to trust their eyes and recognize that this is a 100% legitimate sighting of Bigfoot without any discrepancies whatsoever.

Case closed.

Bigfoot exists.

Cass Anderson BroBible headshot and avatar
Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at cass@brobible.com