First We Feast (YouTube)
According to the folks over at First We Feast, legendary comedian Bill Burr is one of the most requested “Hot Ones” guests of all time. Which is totally understandable considering Billy Red Nuts is one of the funniest m-fers on planet Earth.
Heck, this video would be funny enough even with the sound off just for the visuals of ultra-pale ginger Old Billy Red Tits turning various shades of red, and the looks on his face as he downed some ultra-spicy chicken wings.
[protected-iframe id=”34b5cd6099847e569a137c93c469f86a-97886205-92827192″ info=”https://gfycat.com/ifr/ViciousGreenDrake” width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen=””]
Throw in a half an hour of rants from Billsbury Dough Boy about everything from the “Masshole” sterotypes, cooking shows, Breaking Bad, PETA, Maroon 5 and Cardi B performing the Super Bowl halftime show, cyclists, F is For Family and much more, and you’ve got what we in the industry (I’m not in an industry) call “Comedy Gold.” (Yes, a half an hour. It’s like it’s very own little Ol’ Billy Red Taint comedy special.)
Watch and enjoy…