Thanks to how rapidly technology has evolved in recent decades, there are things—both good and bad— many of us enjoyed during our younger years that Kids These Days will never understand.
Sure, they may get to brag about going viral on TikTok but they’ll never get to feel the rush that came with hitting “Record” at the exact moment a song came on the radio or the sadness of having the DJ talk over a sizeable chunk of it.
They’ll also never understand the anticipation of waiting for 45 minutes to download a track off of Napster only to have your hopes dashed when someone in the house picked up the phone (even though there was a solid chance the file in question was actually Russian trance music instead of whatever you wanted).
However, I’d argue there was one moment capable of bringing happiness into your life more than any other: seeing your teacher roll a bulky television on a cart to the front of the classroom.
Nothing beat a solid movie day, but once DVDs burst onto the scene, there was another provider of amusement that was often the source of more entertainment than whatever was being shown that day in the form of the logo that bounced around the screen.
If you’re unfamiliar with why this was such a welcome diversion, I would direct you to the scene from The Office where you can cut the tension inside the Dunder Mifflin conference room with a knife while Michael Scott’s underlings stare intently at the screen waiting for that mythical moment when the logo hits the corner.
Based on my personal experience and the testimony of countless others, people seem to be in desperate need of some distractions these days. There’s only so much streaming you can do before you need something mindless to cleanse your mental palate and there is perhaps no better option than this website that is literally just the DVD logo bouncing around.
You’re welcome.