A group of scientists claim they discovered a “vast city” underneath Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza. Meanwhile, some other archaeological experts don’t believe them.
Researchers Corrado Malanga from the University of Pisa, and Egyptologist Armando Mei and Filippo Biondi from the University of Strathclyde, claim that this “vast underground city” stretches more than 4,000 feet directly underneath the Pyramids of Giza. They claim this “groundbreaking” discovery using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology revealed giant vertical shafts wrapped in “spiral staircases” beneath the Khafre pyramid.
“This groundbreaking study has redefined the boundaries of satellite data analysis and archaeological exploration,” The Sun reports the project’s spokesperson, Nicole Ciccolo, said, adding that it “could redefine our understanding of the sacred topography of ancient Egypt, providing spatial coordinates for previously unknown and unexplored subterranean structures.”
Unfortunately, not everyone believes her and her team. One of those people, professor Lawrence Conyers, a radar expert at the University of Denver who focuses on archaeology, told DailyMail.com that it is impossible for that technology to penetrate that deeply into the ground, so the claim that the researchers found a “vast underground city” is a “huge exaggeration.”
Conyers also stated that while there could be small structures, such as shafts and chambers, beneath the pyramids that existed before they were built, “targeted excavations” would be the only way to actually prove it.
“My take is that as long as authors are not making things up and that their basic methods are correct, their interpretations should be given a look by all who care about the site,” he said. “We can quibble about interpretations, and that is called science. But the basic methods need to be solid.”
Everyone knows that all of the pyramids and The Sphinx in Egypt were really built by aliens, so the fact that one of the researchers, Corrado Malanga is, according to DailyMail.com, a UFOlogist and has appeared on YouTube shows about aliens, makes perfect sense.
“The existence of vast chambers beneath the earth’s surface, comparable in size to the pyramids themselves, which have a remarkably strong correlation between the legendary Halls of Amenti,” spokesperson Ciccolo added. “These new archaeological findings could redefine our understanding of the sacred topography of ancient Egypt, providing spatial coordinates for previously unknown and unexplored subterranean structures.”