Strange new video shows what appears to be a crashed “UFO” on one of the lawns at the University of Alcala near Madrid, Spain.
There has been an abundance of UFO sightings that have defied explanation over the years. This, however, probably isn’t one of them. That doesn’t mean it isn’t still a mystery, at least for now.
The janky UFO that was discovered on the lawn of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the university has, however, caused a bit of a stir on social media.
“Since this morning, the networks have been flooded with videos and doubts about this supposed ‘flying saucer’… What is it about?” Telemadrid wrote on X (formerly Twitter) alongside the video.
According to the Mirror, the UFO crash took place on Oct. 23.
In the video, the downed alien craft is seen smoking as a student encounters it, camera at the ready.
“Look, look. It can’t be,” the video taker says.
Numerous other people who look like government agents in white hazmat suits and seem to be taking readings near the UFO also appear in the video.
However, it is unclear whether the incident was an elaborate stunt carried out by students or whether extraterrestrial life really has arrived on Earth and somehow managed to flee the scene.
For the time being, university heads have confirmed their knowledge of the viral images, but declined to confirm whether the UFO was indeed alien.
“This video recorded on campus at dawn is reaching us from many places,” a University of Alcala spokesperson said. “You asked us, but we don’t know what it is about, we are carrying out the appropriate investigations. As soon as we have more information, we will pass it on to you.”
Tenemos declaraciones oficiales sobre el OVNI que apareció ayer en el campus externo. El Dr. Sebastián Sánchez, vicerrector y coordinador del Grupo de Investigación Espacial (SRG Space Research Group) de la UAH, nos explican lo que han averiguado hasta el momento. pic.twitter.com/CeT3p60qSy— Universidad Alcalá (@UAHes) October 25, 2023
Commenters on social media have been trying to make sense of the crashed UFO sighting at the University of Alcala.
📹🛸VÍDEO: Aparece un 'OVNI' en el campus de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
Desde esta madrugada, las redes se han inundado de vídeos y dudas sobre este supuesto 'platillo volante'… ¿De qué se trata?👽
La noticia👉https://t.co/3aRNxgBrnh pic.twitter.com/BDrqo6vvYx
— Telemadrid (@telemadrid) October 24, 2023
“At the university at night anything can appear, and if it’s the weekend even more so…” read one comment.
“Coming soon…” read another, along with images of an alien on campus.
Próximamente… en @AlcalaCCAFYDE 🔵🟢 https://t.co/ISPsG8VaWc pic.twitter.com/AmH5WQLheL
— Deccafyde UAH (@deccafydeuah) October 24, 2023