iStockphoto / oatawa
Huddle up, gentlemen. Of course, you respect and honor women, this is 2019 of course. But you need to understand the statistics and act accordingly. A new study found that up to a third of heterosexual women are using you for a free dinner.
There is no reason to become upset or direct your anger on every woman since this is not the case for all of the women. According to a study of 820 women, the statistics found that 40% of them were single, 33% married, and 27% saying they were in a committed relationship but not married.
Unfortunately, if you take these ladies to the Olive Garden Early Dinner special, nearly one out of three are using you for those unlimited breadsticks. According to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology journal, they discovered that a quarter to a third of heterosexual women have gone on a date with a guy they weren’t interested in for the sole purpose of getting a free meal out of it. Right here, this is why you go Dutch.
It must be nice to fake interest in a relationship to get some free shrimp grits. To be honest, I’d pretend to be interested in someone to get some free shrimp n’ grits. Just go to the local Buffalo Wild Wings instead of doling out money that is being underappreciated.
Apparently, the women are calling the “dates” a “foodie call,” which seems entirely inappropriate since all meals should be shared 50/50 and did you actually consent to paying for the meal of the young lady?
Right here, this is why every one of your dates should go to the local Taco Bell, to make sure that you don’t overpay.