Daughter’s PowerPoint Explaining Why She’s Become A Stripper To Parents Goes Viral On TikTok

Daughter Makes PowerPoint Explaining Why Shes Become A Stripper

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  • A daughter has gone viral for the amazing PowerPoint presentation she created to explain to her parents why she’s become a stripper.
  • The incredible speech, associated images, and her parents’ very chill reactions have led the video to being watched over 5.4 million views on TikTok .
  • More TikTok-related news here.

Sharing a potentially controversial life-changing decision with one’s parents can be a terrifying thing to do. Is it better to just leave subtle hints about the change? On the other hand, perhaps one should just rip the Band-Aid and just come right out with it? Orrrrr… you could create a slick PowerPoint presentation like one woman did when she decided to reveal to her parents that she’s become a stripper.

The woman, named Lexi, was captured by her sister Sami (@mildwestsami) breaking the news to their parents on TikTok.

“Y’all my sister made a PowerPoint to tell my parents she’s a str1pp3r,” Sami superimposed over the TikTok video which she captioned, “@lex1898 is WILD. Jokes aside our parents are the literal best, my mom said ‘I’m surprised how proud I am.'”

The video begins with Lexi telling their parents, “Before you start worrying or getting excited, this secret pertains to my life, it doesn’t affect anyone.

“The only reason I’m sharing is because I want the people I love and trust the most to know what’s going on in my life and be a part of it.

“What this secret does mean; I’m talented, I’m cool, I’m powerful. What this secret does not mean; I’m pregnant or in danger.

“Are you ready for this? Drum roll – I’m a stripper! As in I pole dance at a strip club and I love it.”

Lexi then went through a list of “frequently asked questions” for her parents.

“The first question, you might be thinking why? Well, it’s a sex-positive environment and I can express myself, through performance – the theatrics if you will.

“How am I staying safe? Well you see there’s full anonymity in this club environment, you might not know how this works.

“The culture of strip clubs in Portland is very much sex-positive and very safe, there are no drugs or shady business practices that are commonplace or anything like that.

“Is that why I’m able to suspiciously afford stuff? Yes, it is, I’m making monies doing that.

“Do I do any other kinds of sex work? No. All I do is dance you see, I get to chat with people, there’s no other sort of things to it really

“Is it under-the-table income? No, I do pay my taxes.”

When she was done with her PowerPoint presentation Lexi asked her parents for their thoughts.

Her mom’s response? “I really appreciate you being forthright and sharing your life with us, and I’m glad you feel powerful.”


@lex1898 is WILD😩 Jokes aside our parents are the literal best, my mom said “I’m surprised how proud I am” 🥺😭😭 ##hotgirlshit ##getthatbagsis

♬ original sound – Mild West Sami

Later, in the comments, Lexi revealed, “For anyone wondering, my dad’s only question was, ‘How much money are you making?'”

She also added, “ALSO MY MOM LITERALLY JOKED ABOUT ME POLE DANCING EARLIER IN THE DAY like how do moms always know???!”

Lexi also posted this followup TikTok video with “the context to my PowerPoint video from my momma herself.”


TW//SA here’s the context to my PowerPoint video from my momma herself 🥰 and video coming soon of my dads thoughts!👀

♬ original sound – lex

She also shared her dad’s responses to numerous questions from fans on TikTok.


What my dad said in response to me coming out as a stripper! Part 1 🥰 ##striptok ##fyp ##parenting

♬ original sound – lex


Part 2!😇 ##fyp ##striptok ##parenting

♬ original sound – lex

Lexi and Sami have a couple of pretty amazing parents.

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.