President Trump, Discontinuation Of Penny Claimed To Be Signs Of End Times Prophecy

donald trump penny end times


Did you know that the re-election of Donald Trump as President of the United States was a sign of the End Times predicted in the Book of Revelations in the Bible? Were you aware that Trump ordering the discontinuation of the penny is another sign of the End Times prophecy? No? Then you have some catching up to do.

According to Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) host Bobby McNeily, Donald Trump is eerily similar to other biblical figures. He said this in response to something his co-host Mathew Alvarez said to him during RSBN’s Presidents’ Day broadcast.

“We always are saying how great President Trump is, and he is, but he is standing with the Constitution, with truth, with common sense, with God, who are higher than President Trump, let’s be honest,” Raw Story reports Alvarez said to McNeily. “The truth, God is higher than him. President Trump said it himself.

“He looked up, and he goes, it’s not even close. He said, Jesus Christ. So, I mean, those are the facts. And you’re not gonna hear that on mainstream media.”

McNeily responded to that take with one of his own, saying, “Right, you know, it’s someone that, I saw the comparison to Cyrus as well in the Bible, how the Persian king who helped Israel, you could even compare David. I personally believe people who were chosen in the time to lead their people, President Trump is oddly similar in with the prophecies of coming in to have really a strong personality, but also to mandate peace, to mandate prosperity, to lead their people out of bondage.

“It’s eerily reminiscent of what has been prophesied in biblical times and even leading up now into what may be the beginning of Revelation,” he continued. “But if you look at salvation history, President Trump oddly aligning with a person who might be part of the greater plan.”

As if that wasn’t enough to shake you to your core and make you fly right, Pastor Mike Signorelli of V1 Church and Christian YouTuber Ruslan recently discussed how cashless payments and Donald Trump wanting to cease production of the penny could be signs of the End Times prophecy.

“Trump halts penny production — but is this just about inflation, or a prophetic sign of the End Times?” their video’s description reads. “Pastor Mike Signorelli breaks down the shocking truth behind this move, and what it means for a coming cashless society, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and financial control in light of Revelation 13:16-17.”

Still not convinced? What if a YouTube channel with almost 4 million subscribers also claimed serious End Times Bible prophecies are happening worldwide? The entire second chapter of Thessalonians 2 is all over it.

And don’t even get us started on that oarfish that recently appeared on a beach in Mexico. Or Baba Vanga, Nostradamus of the Balkans, predicting End Times will begin in 2025.

The simulation may be broken, but as RSBN’s Mathew Alvarez said on President’s Day, “It’s quite a time to be alive, as you guys know, it’s quite the time in our country.”