Getty Image / Cindy Ord
Comedians Eric Andre and Johnny Knoxville have a new show on ABC that’s premiering this week. The two, along with Gabby Sidibe, will act as a ‘Shark Tank’ style panel on a prank show.
People will pitch them pranks and the panel of comedians and pranksters then decide if they want to produce that prank. On the surface, it sounds like a perfect project for Johnny Knoxville and Eric Andre but Eric’s already out and has quit the show.
As a guest last week on The Howard Stern Show, Eric Andre detailed why he quit the show.
I’ll let him tell the story but the gist of it is Johnny Knoxville tormented Eric Andre with pranks. And after quitting the show once and being talked into returning, Eric and Johnny got into a psychotic fight with stun guns and tasers.
Eric Andre seemed remarkably upbeat discussing the torment. He clearly idolizes Johnny Knoxville and his work. But getting paid to be zapped with volts of electricity doesn’t excite Eric in any way.
It really was all over when Eric Andre tried to stun Knoxville back. The effort to prove that he wasn’t a pushover was valiant but short lived.
Andre says he brought in his stun gun from home and when Knoxville wasn’t looking he shocked Johnny right in the middle of his chest. The problem, however, is Johnny Knoxville does not feel pain.
Eric several times referred to Johnny as ‘the liquid Terminator’ because Knoxville is impervious to pain. And if Eric wasn’t able to prank Johnny back the torture was never ending.
The Prank Panel is set to premiere this Wednesday (May 24th) on ABC. This isn’t the first time they have worked together. Eric made a guest appearance on Jackass Forever.