Once a year, a Texas hotel holds Furry Fiesta, an annual gathering of people dedicated to wearing large furry costumes (and typically exchanging sexy fluids while inside of them). One normal family stayed in the hotel. They did not have a good time.
The guest in question was the father of a young girl on a cheerleading team attending a big convention in Dallas. Not surprisingly, they weren’t expecting to find Furry Fiesta, a “yearly gathering of anthropomorphic art, science fiction, and fantasy fans.”
The furious Trip Advisor review was unearthed by HyperVocal (you can see the full review here).
Let me begin by saying the positive. The hotel is a very nice hotel, very spacious and the breakfast buffet was excellent. The location was perfect, close to everything and the staff is very helpful and try to resolve problems, too many of them. That’s where the positives end.
In regards to problems, these made for a horrific stay. First of all, I like to bring up the ineptitude of the groups department on scheduling a Furry Convention of unacceptable adults, along with a young girls and boys cheerleading team. The things that our children (ages 4-17) witnessed there, are the kinds of things that we as parents hate to even think that they would be exposed to. My 10 year old daughter and my 8 year old son witnessed lude and lascivious behavior in the pool, outside by these furry people.
These “people”,if I can call them that, were doing unspeakable things outside on the hallways and in their rooms with their doors open. I got into an argument and almost a physical confrontation with two of them because they screamed at a kid that was speaking loudly in the hallway, as they were walking by him, and insulted him with major profanity…this was a 10 year old, folks. Lucky for this kid, my good friend’s kid, I came out of my room at the same exact time as they walked by him and confronted them. On another instance, three of these “people” had very dirty and awful comments for a couple of our 6 year old girls. The comments to myself and the girls’ parents were offensive and almost turned things violent as the fathers weren’t exactly too happy with them.
I am not sure if you folks know what a Furry Rave is. A regular rave is a party where folks dance, drink, party and do their drugs. A regular rave would have been unacceptable then. A Furry Rave included more lude and lascivious behavior, along with the other factors included in a regular rave. That is not only unacceptable for a guest, it should have been unacceptable to this hotel. How did I find out all of these details about this “rave” and what these furry conventions are about? GOOGLE!!!!! How hard is it for someone to do a little due diligence before they schedule something like this? This research took me 5 MINUTES to do. How do these people schedule these two groups together????
Curious as to what a big orgy of furry enthusiasts may look like but concerned about what the rabbit hole (an appropriate term when discussing furries, coincidentally) may reveal? Gawker has a video from Furry Fiesta 2012 that paints a vivid yet SFW picture.
Perhaps one day teen cheerleaders and casual sex enthusiasts who like dressing up like minor league sports mascots can learn to exist in perfect harmony. We can only hope.
Relevant GIF: