First Vehicle On ‘Fortnite’ Is A Shopping Cart, Here’s How They Work And Where To Get Them

Fortnite FINALLY gets a vehicle! Sort of. The first vehicle on Fortnite is… a shopping cart. Well, it’s better than nothing. Epic Games released the shopping carts in the v4.3 update and one player pushes and the other sits back and enjoys the ride and shoot-up the competition. But just think of how many Jackass-esque stunts you could do with the grocery store shopping carts. You can build crazy wooden ramps while on your cart or jump off a cliff in your cart. Here are some of the early videos of Fortnite‘s shopping carts in action.

Shootings in a shopping cart are not exactly the same drive-by threat as say in a ’64 Impala from Boyz n the Hood, but it will have to do for now. Shopping carts can be found exactly where you’d expect them — in parking lots. So head on over to Retail Row, Greasy Grove, Tilted Towers, and the racetrack north of Moisty Mire to get your cart.

However, there seems to be some early bugs with the shopping cart update. “The bug seems to occur when a player attempts to ride a Shopping Cart, at which point they fall through the map,” GamerRant reported. “This would be unremarkable, except that when this occurs, every single other player on the map drops dead. The killfeed displays each death as a Shopping Cart kill, attributed to the player who fell through the map.” The reports of this bug only seem to affect gameplay on a PC.

Patch 4.3 also added new edible mushrooms (No, not that kind), which replenishes shields by 5 units. You can find these magic mushrooms in “shady wooded or swampy areas” such as Moisty Mire. Plus Epic Games brought back Blitz, which has faster approaching storms for more action, and Teams of 20 modes with more loot drops.
