Fox Explains How It Allowed Kanye West To Run Commercial For Swastika Shirt During Super Bowl LIX

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There was a time not all that long ago where Kanye West‘s legacy was that of one of the greatest rap artists of all time. Sadly, in the decade or so since, West has insisted in tarnishing that legacy, opting instead to be remembered as some sort of overgrown teenage edgelord who attempts to sell products, including his music, through shock value rather than actual substance.

The latest example of this came during Super Bowl LIX when West aired a commercial for his apparel website, which sold only a $20 t-shirt bearing a Swastika. Shopify, which hosted the site, took it down within 48 hours of the ad airing. But how could Fox allow the commercial run despite it containing such abhorrent content?

Well, it turns out that West pulled a bait and switch. Variety reports that Fox Television Stations CEO Jack Abernethy sent a note to staffers explaining and apologizing for the matter.

Kanye West Pulled Bait-And-Switch With Super Bowl Ad Promoting Swastika Shirt

“We regret that these commercials aired in these three markets, and we strongly condemn any form of antisemitism,” he wrote.

As it turns out, West presented the website as if it were selling his usual apparel. However, as or after the advertisement ran, he removed the rest of the products from the site and added only the Swastika t-shirt.

“The ad, which was presented as a legitimate online apparel site before and during the airing of the Super Bowl, was switched at some point afterwards, and completely outside of our stations control, respondents to the commercials were redirected toward the marketing of a wholly appalling product,” Abernethy explained.

The childish stunt is nothing new for West. He’s spent the last decade claiming to be a Nazi, shaming his various partners, including the mother of his children, and exalting alleged predator Diddy. It would represent a sad fall from grace if West had not snuffed out any bit of pity that fans had left for him. Instead, it’s embarrassing show from a pitiful former musician who now represents more of a carnival act than anything nearing a legitimate artist

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Clay Sauertieg is an editor with an expertise in College Football and Motorsports. He graduated from Penn State University and the Curley Center for Sports Journalism with a degree in Print Journalism.