Twitter / @jhermann
My apartment air conditioning unit stopped blowing cold air. The unit is roughly 30 years old.
The landlord sent the maintenance guy to check it out. The unit is in a wall but the space is too big for a modern-sized unit and the outlet can’t handle a newer unit so the fuse will blow the second it’s turned on.
There are two possible solutions – finding the perfect unit which is massive but low in BTUs or buying a new A/C unit, putting it in the wall, changing out the outlet to handle the air conditioner, and fixing the wall around the unit.
The maintenance guy – being typically lazy – is on a search for the perfect unit that probably doesn’t exist while I’m sweating my fucking ass off with no air and sleeping in my kid’s room because it has an A/C unit.
And I haven’t seen or heard from him since yesterday morning.
Why am telling everyone this story? This is my way of saying DON’T RENT unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Things that could get fixed in hours don’t get fixed for days, months, or ever.
Sorry, I needed to get that off my hot, sweaty, pissed off chest.
Here are some of the funniest parenting tweets and memes from dads this week.
Me: Did you paint with purple paint today?
4-year-old: No.
Me: Then why are you covered in purple?
4: *mysterious shrug*
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) September 10, 2020
How come when anyone in my family asks “what’s that smell?” they always look at me?
Seems a bit unfair sometimes. Not most times, just sometimes.
— Shannon Carpenter (@HossmanAtHome) September 4, 2020
Oh good, it’s create your own percussion instruments from household items day in the elementary school online music class
— Andrew Knott (@aknott21) September 10, 2020
Talking to a fellow dad today and asked him if he thinks he’ll have anymore kids and his literal answer was “I dunno we’ve got an extra bedroom in our house so I guess it makes sense”
— Average Dad (@Average_Dad1) September 10, 2020
Sure 2020 is bad, but have you ever been behind someone who doesn’t use their turn signal?
— The Dad Briefs (@SladeWentworth) September 10, 2020
Anyone can be a dad. It takes a father to kick his kid square in the sack to demonstrate how an athletic cup works.
— Dude-Bro Dad (@thedadvocate01) September 10, 2020
When I go to the bathroom my son says goodbye as if I’m leaving for the day. What can I say the kid gets me.
— WTFDAD (@daddydoubts) September 8, 2020
Kid’s Zoom class is so much better than work Zoom meetings. They are all shouting out their 3rd favorite candy, one kid is shining a flashlight up her nose, and another kid is Iron Man.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) September 11, 2020