Fishermen Dives Into The Water To Save His Favorite Rod After A Fish Pulled It Right Out Of His Hands

Giant Trevally

iStockphoto / MookMook

Recreational fishermen have found themselves to be some of the most fortunate people on the planet lately. With most of the global population, fishing is still classified as an ‘essential activity’ in a LOT of places and anyone with access to a boat can load up their rods and head out fishing to escape the world for a few precious hours.

That’s the case here in Florida and it’s the same throughout parts of Australia. This crew borrowed a friend’s boat for the day and went out fishing for Giant Trevally which is arguably the hardest fighting fish on the planet. I can’t vouch for this as I’ve never had the chance to fish for one myself yet but anyone who has tackled GTs describes them as complete bruisers.

This angler hooked up and the fish was so powerful it ripped the damn rod right into the water. They did the only reasonable thing and hopped their ass in the water to try and retrieve their prized 14k Shimano Stella on a ‘Missing At Sea Pe8 casting rod and 150 death wobble’ which I’m pretty sure is Australian slang for ‘prized possession’.

Check it out:

The caption of the video reads:

“My best mate @theinkedfisherman was kind enough to lend us his pride and joy vessel during these hard times for me and the family to go try to gather some food. Upon arriving at the reef the weather was amazing and I set up my favorite outfit a 14k Shimano Stella, Missing At Sea Pe8 casting rod and 150 death wobble. I had just put a cast straight onto a stirred up school of fusiliers and gave the rod to my partner Bianca when a GT inhaled the stick bait. I had the drag set as I normally would for myself and this proved a lot too much for my girl! I managed to retrieve the rod and get back into the boat, got the rod back in my hands and had a visual of the fish when the hooks let go.”

If you don’t recognize Giant Trevally but it sounds vaguely familiar you might recall them from the Blue Planet II series where they captured these fish eating damn BIRDS out of the air. If you haven’t seen that outrageous footage or if it’s been a while you should 100% watch that again:

Absolutely unreal.

(h/t For The Win)

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.