If you feel like you spend too much time glued to the screen of your phone, you might be able to cure your addiction with a surprisingly simple fix.
One tech expert discovered what he believes to be an invaluable life hack which he claims is the key to curbing the habit.
So if you spend hours looking at your phone every day, like we all tend to do, and want to stop, then read on.
A Gallup poll has stated that 72 percent of smartphone users check their phone every hour. It’s just become one of those things we do and honestly, we probably don’t even realize it half the time.
So, according to science, a lot of that phone addiction has to do with all of the notifications we get. You see, almost all of them are the color red. Red stimulates the brain and is at least partly responsible for why we keep looking. The people who create these notifications know this, and they are evil like that.
So, as James Hamblin from The Atlantic tells us in the video below, there is one way to curb your phone desires and that is to turn your phone completely into greyscale mode, which seems to magically make you less prone to wanting to look at the typically vibrant screen way too often.
Hamblin also says that when people see his phone they ask him if it’s broken because there is no color on the screen. In reality, it’s not broken at all. In fact, it’s actually made him more productive. So his phone is not only NOT broken, it’s actually working better, at least from a personal productivity standpoint.
Check out the rest of what he has to say below and you too might be on your way to breaking that nasty phone addiction…
Godspeed and good luck.