Here Are The First Reactions To ‘IT Chapter Two’

IT chapter 2

Warner Bros.

Back in 2017, when a remake of the Stephen King classic IT was on the way from a largely unheard of director, the general consensus among the movie-going public was one of frustration: “Another remake? Really? Seriously? AGAIN?!”

But, while most remakes and reboots are shameless cash grabs, IT proved that it was much more, as it was not only one of the best scary movies in recent years, but it was also one of the highest-grossing films of the year.

However, while IT was a surprising success both critically and financially (it made north of $700 million on just a $35 million budget), unfortunately, it appears that IT Chapter Two fails to live up to those lofty standards:

It Chapter Two sees the characters from the first movie all grown up, this time portrayed by the likes James McAvoy, Jessica Chastain, Bill Hader, Jay Ryan, Isaiah Mustafa, and James Ransone. The film sees the Losers Club return to the town of Derry 27 years after the events of IT, once again confronted with the horrors of Pennywise.

Here’s the official synopsis for IT Chapter Two, via Warner Bros.:

Twenty-seven years after the Losers Club defeated Pennywise (Bill Skarsgård), IT returns to terrorize the town of Derry once more. Now adults, the Losers have long since gone their separate ways. However, the kids are disappearing again, so Mike (Isaiah Mustafa), the only one of the group to remain in their hometown, calls the others home.

Damaged by the experiences of their past, they must each conquer their deepest fears to destroy Pennywise once and for all… putting them directly in the path of the clown that has become deadlier than ever.

And while IT Chapter Two may not be the same home run that its predecessor was, it clearly succeeds in the one thing we all already knew to be true: that Bill Hader is, in fact, the fucking man.

IT Chapter Two will be released in theaters in the United States on Friday, September 6.

Eric Italiano BroBIble avatar
Eric Italiano is a NYC-based writer who spearheads BroBible's Pop Culture and Entertainment content. He covers topics such as Movies, TV, and Video Games, while interviewing actors, directors, and writers.