Warner Bros.
Let me try to put this as delicately as possible: 2017’s Justice League was a face-fucked Frankenstein monstrosity of a superhero movie.
A half-cocked attempt at recreating the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Warner Bros. rushed into Justice League as fast as they could without laying down any of the necessary groundwork, and as a result, found themselves with a disaster of a film at their feet, as Justice League made just $657 million at the global box office.
Think about that for a second: while Marvel Studios essentially prints billion-dollar movies, Warner Bros. failed to crack $700 million with a movie that featured Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. For even further context, Justice League‘s $657 million return was only $35 million more than… Ant-Man and the Wasp. Yikes.
And since the release of Justice League, fans of the DCEU have been harping on the existence of the Snyder Cut, demanding Warner Bros. release it to the fans.
The Snyder Cut, which has essentially become mythologized, is a director’s cut of Justice League that does not include Joss Whedon’s heavy-handed tweaks that many consider to be the crux of the film’s unevenness. And according to Aquaman star Jason Momoa, the hype around the Snyder Cut is real.
In an Instagram post where he gifts Snyder a new camera, Momoa thanks the 300 director for showing him the Snyder Cut, calling it — to be exact — ” ssssiiicccckkkkkk”:
“Well let’s be honest if it wasn’t for this man we wouldn’t have Aquaman I love u Zachary synder. Mahalo for showing me the synder cut. Here is a token of my appreciation. Leica Q2 for inspiring me as an artist through and through @leicacamerausa I wish I was a better actor but I can’t lie. The Snyder cut is ssssiiicccckkkkkk.”
And while a word-of-mouth review from Jason Momoa obviously bolsters DC fans claims that Whedon ruined the flick, the likelihood that we’ll ever see the Snyder Cut is slim to none, as it’s reportedly filled with unfinished special effects and CGI.
Luckily, though, the massive failure of Justice League forced Warner Bros. to rethink their film strategy, which led to the reportedly awesome Joker (set to be released on October 4) and 2021’s The Batman.