Jeffrey Epstein’s Brother Claims Feds ‘Buried’ Videos That Prove Assassination Cover-Up

Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago

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Jeffrey Epstein’s brother Mark claims the feds have buried videos proving the convicted pedophile didn’t commit suicide in prison five years ago.

Mark Epstein, 69, also claims federal authorities secretly rushed his brother’s corpse out of the Metropolitan Correctional Center as part of a larger cover-up.

He says that a videographer he recently learned about shot video of Jeffrey Epstein’s dead body as it was taken from his cell to Beekman Hospital, according to

“I was told there was a handheld video camera on at all the times,” Mark Epstein said in a recent interview.

“When the EMTs got to the prison, [jail officials] had moved Jeff from his cell to the infirmary. Why did they move him if he was already dead? And the same video camera also filmed him in the hospital. Where is the tape for that?”

Mark Epstein added, “I asked for the footage of that camera from 6 a.m. until noon on Aug. 10 and that should show them taking Jeff out of the ward, but I can’t get that.

“They gave some bull s— story, and they didn’t give it to me. I asked again in a different way, and I’m waiting to hear back.”

He also wants to know why there was a picture of Jeffrey Epstein in the hospital on a gurney wearing a hospital gown.

“He wasn’t wearing that in the prison,” said Mark. “Who decided to dress this dead body in a hospital gown? They had to sit him up, put his arms through the sleeves. Who decided to do that.”

Meanwhile, as all of this is going on, Jeffrey Epstein’s address book containing the personal numbers of former President Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is about to go up for bid at Alexander Historical Auctions in Maryland.

The 64pp. book measures 4.5 x 5.25 in. and is Gestetner-bound in black plastic. The entries are printed reproductions, likely reduced in size to accommodate this rather small binding. There are 386 printed entries with two additional entries penned in a childlike hand on the last page, very similar to Epstein’s hand but the sample is too small for us to warrant this as fact. They vary in length from only a few lines to over 10-15 lines or more each, and each of these entries may have several more names included within.

Additionally, 94 names bear black, hand-applied checkmarks, and five have been highlighted in yellow. All five names, including that of Donald Trump, are well-recognized financial and industrial figures. The significance of the checked and highlighted names is unknown. The details included in the vast majority of the entries are most extensive: Epstein not only includes the name, address and telephone number of his contact, but in most cases also adds other residential addresses and numbers, contact information for family members, secretaries, immediate employees, and associates of the individual, cell phone and pager numbers, and in at least one instance, a contact’s girl friend’s number.

The starting bid has been set at $35,000, but so far no bids have been submitted.

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.