Kanye West Shares Shocking Image Of A Swastika Overlayed Onto The Star Of David

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Following a shocking appearance on Alex Jones’ InfoWars that saw him further show Hitler and Nazis with praise, Kanye West took to Elon Musk’s Twitter to share a shocking image of a swastika overlayed onto the Star of David, the symbol of Judaism.


The shocking image of the swastika photoshop was one of many tweets that West fired off on Thursday night following his highly controversial appearance on InfoWars, which even made Alex Jones — who owes about $1 billion in damages to the families of Sandy Hook victims due to abhorrent conspiratorial comments he’s made over the years — visibly uncomfortable.

In addition to the swastika image, West also tweeted about adult films, saying that they “destroyed” his family, and posted videos of him listening to his own music while driving on a freeway (we’ve linked to the tweets, but given West’s history on social media, they’ll likely be deleted in the coming hours). Some of West’s tweets also include the phrase “YE24”, which suggests the former rapper and 45-year-old father of four is debating a run for President of the United States.

kanye west adult films tweets


As a result of his recent antisemitism, West has lost his deals with Adidas and Balenciaga and was dropped by his talent agency CAA. As if his previous career as a successful mainstream rapper wasn’t already over, his actions this week guarantee that the billion-dollar career that West once had is done and dusted, and deservedly so.

RELATED: Kanye West ‘Sees Good Things About Hitler’, Wants People To ‘Stop Dissing Nazis All The Time’

Eric Italiano BroBIble avatar
Eric Italiano is a NYC-based writer who spearheads BroBible's Pop Culture and Entertainment content. He covers topics such as Movies, TV, and Video Games, while interviewing actors, directors, and writers.