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Many people are asking: “What will be the top Halloween costume of 2020?” The early frontrunners are Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin from Tiger King, COVID-19 molecule, sexy COVID-19 molecule, Baby Yoda, sexy Baby Yoda, and murder hornets. One artist has a Halloween costume even more terrifying than even Carole Baskin – a Karen.
In what is sure to be a costume that will have cashiers all across the land shaking in terror, an artist has created a Halloween mask of the dreaded Karen. Get ready to put everyone in a panic as you go up to strangers and, in your most hair-raising shrill voice, declare, “I want to speak to your manager.”
Los Angeles-based artist Jason Adcock created an extremely life-like and excessively frightening Karen Halloween mask. Adcock touts the latex Karen mask as “the scariest thing you can be on Halloween!” Adcock adds, “2020 is the year of the KAREN! Scare all ur friends with ur big hair and narrow mind.” Ironically, Karens usually refuse to wear masks.
Adcock sells two different versions of the middle-aged demon: the “Karen” and the coronavirus-themed “Karen-19.” Both spooky face masks have the signature hairdo, bloodshot eyes, and rotting teeth. Adcock sells the masks on his Etsy for $180. Karen is not going to like that price, bring in a Target circular with a cheaper totally different mask, and demand the mask for $39.
“The response is 50/50, I have had a good amount of hate and even a death threat, but I feel the term ‘Karen’ is part of pop culture now,” Adcock said, according to WTSP.
This Halloween, get ready to have your arms crossed in disgust because the Applebee’s didn’t accept your coupon for a free spinach and artichoke dip that expired eight months ago. Your friends will be excited for your Karen Halloween costume because you’ll be chauffeuring them around in your 2009 Dodge Caravan. However, your friends think you’re going to drive them to all of the bars on Halloween, but you’re actually taking them to Home Goods to return a table lamp that has a scratch on it even though you bought it 93 days and had it displayed in her den full of Precious Moments figurines.