King Snake Swallows Black Snake Whole After Deadly Battle In Wild Encounter Filmed On TikTok

Eastern King Snake on the ground

iStockphoto / JasonOndreicka

Every species of snake has some sort of valuable role in the food chain but King Snakes are generally regarded as a ‘good snake’ for several reasons.

The primary reason they’re often referred to as ‘good snakes‘ is King Snakes are territorial and will eat other snakes that encroach on their space. This extends to venomous snakes as well so having King Snakes around might be good for keeping venomous snake populations in check.

I don’t mean to imply there are ‘bad snakes’ but there are legitimate reasons for not wanting venomous snakes around in certain areas. Also, their territorial nature extends beyond just venomous snakes. Case in point…

This video has gone viral on TikTok. It shows the lead up to the King Snake sniping the Black Snake and the second video shows the King swallowing its victim whole. This is a great representation of how unforgiving nature can be.


What in the actual fuck!!! I can’t believe i got this on video🍻 #snakes #natureza

♬ Joemama – JoeJPnHank

As pointed out in the comments, the King was eating a Black Rat Snake which is another ‘good snake’ to have around for obvious reasons. They eat small vermin and pests.

The comments reflect this, people wrote “A king snake eating a black rat snake. both snakes are good to have around.” And “king snakes eat all other snakes, unfortunately its eating a good snake to have around.”

In the follow up videos, we see the king slowly devour its prey:


Part 2 y’all🍻 I’ll keep it going until we have crowned the champ🤣🍻 #nature #snakes #part2ofthepullup

♬ original sound – JoeJPnHank

In ANOTHER follow up clip, the person who filmed the original video zoomed in on the ground and there was a snake egg there. Everyone joked that he was about to become a snake grandpa.

Alas, nobody seems to know which species the egg came from. Given that, most people suggested he incubate the egg to keep the series going. The world wants to know what the egg is!

Fun Facts About King Snakes

The ‘King’ name refers to the fact that every other snake, rattlesnakes included, is a potential source of food for Kings. They will swoop in an eat just about any snake that gets in their way.

Interestingly, they are most active during the day. This behavior, however, flips during the Summer and in warmer months they are more active at night.

They are constrictors and max out at around 50 inches long.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.