51-year-old Marcus McGowan was snorkeling in Queensland on Saturday when he was attacked by a crocodile.
Not only was he attacked, the crocodile had its jaws around his head.
McGowan was snorkeling with his wife and a group of friends on off Haggerstone Island near Cape York when a saltwater crocodile came up on him from behind.
“While checking out some coral and fish and talking to a fellow snorkeler, I was attacked from behind by a saltwater crocodile which got its jaws around my head,” he said in a statement released by the Cairns health service.
“I thought it was a shark, but when I reached up I realized it was a crocodile.
“I was able to lever its jaws open just far enough to get my head out.
“The crocodile then attempted to attack me a second time, but I managed to push it away with my right hand, which was then bitten by the croc.
“I was able to escape the crocodile’s grip once again and swim to the safety of the boat which was coming after they heard our screams for help.”
McGowan said that he estimated the crocodile was a young one, probably between 6 to 10 feet long.
He said he was administered first aid en-route to the hospital located 45 minutes away by a fellow snorkeler.
“He is a fireman so he knew what he was doing,” McGowan said. “He bandaged me up and also had to give me antibiotic shots to prevent any infection.”
Amazingly, he only suffered scalp lacerations and puncture wounds on his head and hand.
“I live on the Gold Coast and am a keen surfer and diver, and understand that when you enter the marine environment, you are entering territory that belongs to potentially dangerous animals, such as sharks and crocodiles,” McGowan said.
“I was simply in the wrong place, at the wrong time.”
Three weeks ago, human remains were found inside the stomach of a crocodile at Cape York’s Kennedy River in Queensland.