New Fear Unlocked: Manure Truck Overturns, Covers House And Cars In Poop

overturned truck after accident

iStockphoto / fotoandrius

A resident in Pomfret, Connecticut was just sitting inside their home minding their own business when they heard a crash. What they found is the stuff of nightmares.

A manure truck overturned after an accident at the ‘tricky intersection’ on Brayman Hollow Road and spilled its contents out onto the home, the cars, and all over the lawn and surrounding area. It was quite literally a pressurized container full of poop that exploded all over their home and property.

NBC Connecticut sent a TV crew out there to speak with the homeowner whose neighbor’s house and car were covered on dookie. Manure is, of course, animal dunk that’s used as fertilizer in farming and not human feces but that doesn’t make the smell any more tolerable nor does it lower the bacteria count spray painted across her property:

This would be right up there with my worst nightmares. I’ve never been classified as a ‘super taster’ by a doctor but I definitely have an above-average olfactory system which, I’m thankful for, has helped me develop quite the wine and whiskey palate over the years. But it also means I’m hit hard by nocuous and foul smells and this would ruin my life for months. The smell would permeate everything. I’d have to move.

It’s also incredible to me how the neighbor they spoke with was more concerned with how the truck was upside and sliding until it hit a car and not the fact that it was spewing animal dung all over the street and property.

She did, however, go on to say how sad it was that the ‘poor lady’ (her neighbor) worked so hard on the property last week only to see it get demolished from the manure truck overturning and dousing her property in poop. Again, my worst nightmare.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.