TikTok User May Have Captured Last-Known Footage Of Missing Titanic Sub Before It Disappeared

Titan, the submersible that went missing while diving toward the Titanic

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For the past few days, the world has turned its attention to the remote region of the North Atlantic Ocean where a submersible home to five people who were slated to visit the wreck of the Titanic suddenly went missing and sparked a massive search-and-rescue mission that’s still underway.

The hunt for the OceanGate vessel dubbed “Titan” has made headlines around the globe while thrusting the company behind the voyage into the spotlight thanks in no small part to the safety issues it reportedly attempted to downplay in the past and a slightly unconventional approach to engineering that has raised more than a few red flags far too late.

On Wednesday, OceanGate appeared to imply it had recently detected sounds in the search area that suggested the passengers aboard the vessel were still alive, although the clock is ticking when you consider the company estimates they have less than 24 hours of oxygen remaining until the onboard supply is depleted.

The sub made its initial descent to the Titanic on Sunday but lost contact with the ship on the surface a little less than two hours after disappearing under the surface.

When you consider it hasn’t been seen since then, it would appear a TikTok user may have captured what appears to be the last footage we have of the Titan, as a woman with a bio that says she’s currently “living on a boat in the North Atlantic” posted a short clip emblazoned with the caption “watching a submarine go down to the Titanic” on the same day the news broke.


Earlier this month, she also posted a video of Paul-Henri Nargeolet, the director of underwater research for the company with the salvage rights to the Titanic who is one of the five people who were aboard the Titan when it went off the grid.

Here’s to hoping that the first video doesn’t actually end up being the last time we see the sub.

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Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible. He is a New England native who went to Boston College and currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. Frequently described as "freakishly tall," he once used his 6'10" frame to sneak in the NBA Draft and convince people he was a member of the Utah Jazz.