MMA Fighter Wrassles Large Alligator At Florida Elementary School While Crowd Screams

catching an alligator

iStockphoto / Jodi Jacobson

This Florida man wears many, may hats. Mike Dragich is a veteran, MMA fighter, and licensed alligator trapper who just captured a 10-foot alligator in front of 200 people at an elementary school.

In front of the screaming crowd, Mike Dragich wrassled the alligator and subdued it so the nuisance alligator could be relocated to a safer area.

Footage of him capturing the 10-foot gator from the elementary school in Jacksonville has gone viral since he captured the massive reptile on May 22nd.

Dragich would later tell Fox 35 Orlando “We get there. I walked through the gate. And boom. There it was just ready to go right there in the parking lot, and we just had to get the job done.”

Here is Mike Dragich taking down this absolute unit:

The comments on his video are wild. One woman wrote “Do he have a girlfriend? Asking for myself.” Another person commented “When I spotted the sleeveless shirt I knew that gator stood no chance.”

A look at the Instagram feed of Mike Dragich reveals alligators don’t stand a chance when he’s around. This Florida-based MMA fighter is a gator-catching machine:

Mike Dragich also has fun with the alligators from time to time:

I might live on the other side of Florida but if I’m ever in need of an alligator wrangler I’m calling this man.

After catching the 10-foot gator, Dragich told Fox 35 Orland “I said it before, I felt like Batman, for real, you know, I show up. I walk out. There are a lot of comments saying I look like Stone Cold walking up to this alligator.”

Confirmed, he definitely looked like Stone Cold.