Well, here’s a new one for you. A 23-year-old model recently sold her virginity for $2.6 million to, wait for it, “make her mom proud.” Seriously, those are the words that came out of her mouth.
The woman in question, Mahbuba Mammadzada from Azerbaijan, who goes by Maria, said she wanted to sell her virginity “to make her mom proud” and so that they can travel the world together, reports the Mirror.
The “buyer” ended up being a politician from Tokyo, Japan who placed the highest bid on the website Cinderella Escorts. According to the Mirror, a lawyer from London was the second highest bidder, while the third highest was a famous footballer from Munich. Wonder who that was?
According to Mammadzada’s profile on Cinderella Escorts, she is also looking for a sugar daddy to give her a monthly allowance of £26,000 ($33,981).
In a statement Maria said: “I want to sell my virginity on Cindrella Escorts and because I want to have a house for me and for my mom, so finally we can live in our own place, and also to travel all over the world with mom.
“I wanna live in the USA and continue my modeling career there with one of the top modeling agencies.
“I love dogs, and I dream to open a shelter for dogs in my country. My mom did everything for me till now, and now its my turn, to make her proud of me.”
Details of the “transaction” include the winning bidder being required to book the hotel room (the least of his concerns) and put down 10 percent to prove he’s legit. He can also obtain a certified medical note confirming Mammadzada’s virginity (she says she already has one), and the consumation will reportedly happen in Germany, where selling sex is legal.
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