The Amount Of Money Americans Spend On Drunk Amazon Shopping Is Comically High

Money Americans Spend Drunk Amazon Shopping


Do you know what the three biggest shopping days of the year are, at least according to my very unofficial research? Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and any day in which you have had too much to drink and decide to hit up Amazon for some of those sweet, sweet deals.

See if this sounds familiar. You come home from a long day at work only to find one of those Amazon boxes sitting by your front door and you have no recollection of actually ordering anything. Then you open it up and you still have no memory of this stellar purchase that was just delivered to your doorstep.

It should sound familiar to a lot of you because this drunk Amazon shopping phenomenon is way more common than it probably should be.

How common is it? The folks over at Archstone Recovery Center decided to find out. They surveyed over 1,000 men and women across America who admitted to making inebriated Amazon purchases, to find out how much people spend, whether women spend more than men, and what regrettable (or awesome, as it turned out) products they ordered.

What they found out is utterly fascinating (and a little bit sad).

According to those surveyed, drinking gin leads to the biggest Amazon expenditures, and by a lot: $82, on average. Who knew that getting “gin drunk” would lead one to reckless online shopping?

Their research also found that on average women say they spend more than men when they hit up Amazon while buzzed.

As for which type of alcohol leads to the most extraordinary shopping sprees, gin once again takes the title, followed by whiskey and tequila.

Women may spend more than men on average during a smashed Amazon spree, but when it comes to the biggest splurge, men are the superstars of drunk spenders.

According to respondents, cell phones and accessories were the most-regretted drunk purchases, and by a large margin. However, if you bought a musical instrument or something for your pet while you were gassed, odds are you were actually pretty happy with your purchase.

And finally, the one we’ve been waiting for: weirdest Amazon drunk purchases. How about a 55-gallon drum of lubricant? Or how about some curve enhancement and enlargement pills? Yeah, this is why I don’t drink anymore.

Yeah, that one-click purchasing convenience Amazon offers? That might be just a little too convenient.

View the entire study over at

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.