Is There More Than One Loch Ness Monster? Expert Believes New Video Could Show Proof

Urquhart Castle Loch Ness


If there is actually more than one Loch Ness Monster living in those fabled Scottish waters, it would certainly help explain a lot.

In particular, it would finally answer the question of how the Loch Ness Monster has been seen by witnesses year after year for literally centuries.

The earliest known report of someone seeing the Loch Ness Monster takes place in the sixth century in a book titled Life of St. Columba. So how is it possible that people are still seeing the creature over 1,500 years later?

Perhaps the answer is that there has always been more than one of them and there have always been at least one of each sex so they have just been reproducing deep in the waters of the loch for centuries.

Prolific Loch Ness Monster hunter Eoin O’Faodhagain put forth a similar theory last week when he captured video of what he believes could be evidence of more than one creature in the water.

“I was amazed at this spectacle, I could not get my head around the size of both wakes and the amount of disturbance they were causing,” said O’Faodhagain. I expected to see two powerboats on the surface, but there was nothing to see. Then the penny dropped: some sort of live creatures were responsible for these large wakes.”

O’Faodhagain, as he often does, made this latest sighting using a webcam maintained by Visit Inverness Loch Ness.

“There are two defined wakes on view here, so there are obviously two creatures responsible for them,” he continued. “If they are Nessies – well then, there are two Nessies.”

“I have never witnessed seals making wakes of this magnitude. And I cannot make a case for an otter, as you would not see an otter rising a few feet out of the water like that. Because of the fact that the wakes fizzle into nothing, we can assume that this event has nothing to do with human activity.

“It is self-explanatory that some unknown creatures are involved in this sighting. Nessie is the only rational explanation for these two large wakes fizzling out into nothing, whatever species she belongs to.”

Eoin O’Faodhagain speculated, “They must be involved in behaviur linked to either feeding or courtship or some sort of family bonding.”

That, or they could have been just visiting from that parallel universe in which they really live.

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Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.