Rose Carson / Shutterstock.com
Ready to get annoyed? Of course you are. Getting annoyed is America’s national pastime. So if you’re ready, then gird yourself for this list of the most hated words and phrases used on social media in 2017.
As if social media isn’t already annoying enough these days, people continue to make it even worse by using and abusing certain words and phrases that just get right the fuck under our skin. Do they know they’re doing it? Are they doing it on purpose? Or are they just ignorant? See? I am already getting fired up and I haven’t even shared the list yet.
Okay, deep breath. Here we go. In a survey of 2,000 people conducted earlier this month the folks over at Online Spy Shop have determined which words on social media make us the most angry.
Here’s what they discovered.
• “Let that sink in” is the most intensely hated phrase to be uttered on social media in 2017.
• Snowflake, fake news and woke ranked the highest among the most hated social media words.
• Snowflake scored the highest for simply being annoying and fake news got the highest ranking for being overused. “Let that sink in” ranked highest for being patronizing.
Here are the rest of the top 10 most hated words and phrases used on social media in 2017…
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And here’s WHY we hate them…
Word or phrase — Most common description of this word or phrase
• “Fake news” — Overused
• “Trash” — Overused
• “Snowflake” — Annoying
• “Empowering” — Patronizing
• “I’m screaming” — Annoying
• “Woke” — Annoying
• “Hold my beer” — Overused
• “Let that sink in” — Patronizing
• “GOAT” — Overused
• “Lowkey” — Annoying
Online Spy Shop also reported that renowned psychologist Professor Sir Cary Cooper believes rapid overexposure to certain words or phrases can accelerate the process by which we come to dislike them.
“Idioms and memes hit saturation point very quickly on social media. It’s not that these words or phrases are any more irritating on social media than they are in the offline world, it’s the daily exposure to the same phrases that intensifies our reactions.
“So if a term that has the potential to gradually grate on you offline, it’s guaranteed to really get your blood boiling if you see it every day on social media. Especially if you’ve got a preconception about the person using it.”
Lowkey, I think the snowflakes who have been using these words are trash and obviously not very woke. I’m screaming that the study, which is the GOAT, is calling them out. Much like fake news, using these words and phrases is the opposite of empowering. Hold my beer while you let that sink in, cucks. Sorry, that was harsh. Hope you weren’t triggered. Dilly dilly!
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Check out several more 2017 Year in Review lists right here.