“If music be the food of love, play on. Give me excess of it; that surfeiting. The appetite may sicken, and so die.” Those are the immortal words of William Shakespeare about music. Makes sense. Music lights hearts afire with love, romance, and the wanton desire to fuck. Live music causes many to lust after their special guy or girl, even if they are at a concert. A recent survey found which music festivals are the most popular for revelers to have sex at.
Fuck toy purveyor Lovehoney surveyed over 1,100 people about their music festival sexual proclivity. They found that the top spot for festival sex is at Lollapalooza where 23% of respondents said they shaboink while listening to music. Other events for festival fucking is at Coachella with 14.3%, followed by Austin City Limits with 10%, Burning Man at 9%, and SXSW 7.5%.
So where is all this jizz-spilling going on you ask? Good question. Survey says 29% had sex in a camping tent, 15% in a car, 13% intercoursed in the crowd, 12.5% copulated in a “quiet spot in the field,” and 6% got in rocking in an RV. Another reason to never touch anyone at a festival, let alone shake hands with someone who may have a slug trail on their pointer finger.