Naked Philanthropist Instagram Model Raises $300,000 For Australia Fires By Selling Nude Photos

Models are giving out nude photos to people who donate money towards helping the Australian wildfires.

Getty Image / SAEED KHAN / Contributor

Since September, Australia has been besieged by massive bushfires that have wreaked fiery havoc all over the country. At least 20 people have died, 1,5000 homes have been destroyed, and there are reports that entire species have been wiped off the planet. But there are unexpected heroes stepping forward to help Australia — Instagram models offering nude photos.

The nude photos are already scalding, so they won’t extinguish the bushfires, but people are donating money, sometimes thousands of dollars, to help the Australians battle the out-of-control fires. At the frontlines in this war on the wildfires is model Kaylen Ward.

Ward, who goes by the Twitter handle of “The Naked Philanthropist,” is offering naked photos of herself to anyone who donates money to help combat the fires. Thus far, Kaylen claims that she has raised $300,000 to help Australia during their time of need.

“I’m sending nudes to every person who donates atleast $10 to any one of these fundraisers for the wildfires in Australia,” Kaylen wrote on her Twitter account. “Every $10 you donate = one nude picture from me to your DM. You must send me confirmation that you donated.”

“It’s devastating and any normal person would be concerned and want to help,” she wrote on her Twitter account @lilearthangelk. “I saw so much media coverage about other things happening in the world, like when Notre Dame burned down and lots of people were posting and donating, but I didn’t see a lot of people doing that for Australia.”

Kaylen said she donated $1,000 herself to the fire recovery. The LA-based model thanked her Twitter followers when she reached the $10,000 mark, but much like her enthusiasts, things kept growing.

“This sounds ridiculous but I’ve got people I’ve hired to help sort through the DMs,” Kaylen said. “I’m also actually sending the pics I promised, one for each $10. Someone sent me $5000, so I’m sending 50 pics and videos.”

Currently, Kaylen’s Instagram seems to be restricted or deleted. BuzzFeed is reporting that the account was deactivated because she violated their rules about sexual content.

Other Instagram models have jumped on the bandwagon to raise money for Australia. Kaylen plans to visit Australia next week to continue to help, one nude photo at a time.
