Stick a pin in Mansfield, Ohio. Andrew Baum, a hunter from Ohio, reports that he recently saw Bigfoot taking “fast big steps” while he looked on from a tree stand he was using in the area.
Baum, 35, was hunting with his stepfather on December 28th on 150 acres of farmland by Interstate 71 in Richland County, Ohio, when he encountered the creature, WMFD News reports. Baum then shared his sighting with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO).
“Me (Andrew Baum) 35 and my step dad Shawn (50s) are both from Mansfield, Ohio,” he wrote in his report. “We went out to setup a tree stand around 3 p.m.-3:30 p.m. By the time we got it all set up it was still light, but right before it starts to get dark around 4 p.m. I climbed up after my stepdad tried it out. He said you can see everything from up there because mostly all the trees have no leaves. You can see fields and everything all around tree lines and fields even a highway out past that.
“I got up there, sat down and looked out over the first field to where it ends at a tree line. Then I scanned the next field and saw it. I say ‘it’ because it was a Bigfoot or a very big person fast moving across the wide open field. It had fast big steps, not running but still covering ground faster than someone should. It seemed very odd. I had no phone or equipment with me at that moment because I was just up there I see what the view will be. I was looking only with eyes.
“It was dark in color. I’d say black or even dark brown. From that distance [~1,000 feet] it is hard to tell the exact color. The dark figure was very noticeable because it was moving across the light color of the wheat stubble field. That is what caught my attention. I was looking for deer and saw that thing, and I almost freaked out,” Baum continued.
Baum added after thinking about it further, “It was definitely something big and fast. Similar to other stories I heard in the past around here.”
WMFD spoke with the property owner who said he was aware of the report and the hunters had permission to hunt on his land. The property owner declined an interview and said he was not interested in any publicity and did not want to attract trespassers.
Founder and President of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, Matt Moneymaker, followed up with his own report.
“We concluded that he is credible, and the report is legitimate,” they wrote. “The question in this case is whether it was a misinterpretation, specially whether it was a human walking across the field rather than a Sasquatch.
“Andrew’s perception that it was a Sasquatch rather than a human he was seeing at that distance, was due to the speed that it moved across the field. Andrew observed a walking pace of brisk strides rather than a full out run. Andrew knew a human would need to be running at top speed across to cover the same distance so fast. He could tell that it had to be very tall and taking long strides.
“That is a distinguishing feature of what a Sasquatch will look like from a distance. Not only will it be big and dark, but it will cover ground much more quickly than a human.
“The speed at which the figure crossed the field eliminates the possibility of a human, in my opinion as well.”
BFRO Investigator Brian DeyErmand actually traveled to visit with the witness, Andrew Baum. Together they visited the location of the Bigfoot sighting.
“My impression of Andrew is that he is very earnest and credible, as was his stepfather,” DeyErmand wrote in his report.