Connor Stalions Inadvertently Helping Ohio Legalize Marijuana Is A+ Comedy

A marijuana leaf on an Ohio road sign.


An Ohio marijuana campaign is going viral for a hilarious ad referencing Connor Stalions and the Michigan sign stealing operation. The message worked, too, as the state effectively legalized weed for recreational use on Tuesday.

In the comical ad, the campaign noted “that state up north,” refusing to mention Michigan by name as is commonplace in the heated football rivalry.

The push to legalize marijuana in the state played on a number of those typical rivalry references, effectively roasting the Wolverines over their latest scandal.

Take a look.

“They stole our signs AND they’re taking our tax dollars!” the ad read. “Every year, thousands of Ohioans drive to ‘that state up north’ to legally buy marijuana.”

In quite possibly the best push to “bring dollars back to the Buckeye State,” the creative campaign worked to perfection.

Ohio became the nation’s 24th state to legalize weed for recreational use this week.

Passage of Issue 2 makes Ohio the 24th state to allow adult cannabis use for non-medical purposes.

Do we have Connor Stalions to thank? Some say so.

Sports fans were quick to comment on the clever advertisement as they posted reactions on social media.

“Connor Stalions inadvertently helping marijuana get legalized in Ohio is going to make for an incredible two-minute detour in the 30 for 30 on this entire saga.”

“If you took this approach to all political debates in Ohio, I’m not sure you’d ever lose.”

“May Michigan burn in a sea of the Devil’s Lettuce!”

“Connor Stalions is rebuilding the economy.”
