There are a few things in life that simply just warm the soul. A soft blanket and a scented candle on a rainy day. A fat plate of fried chicken and mac and cheese. A back rub from your significant other. And, of course, Paul Rudd.
But what’s better than one scented candle? Two scented candles! And what’s better than one heaping plate of comfort food? TWO overflowing plates of comfort food! And what’s better than one Paul Rudd? That’s right, you genius, you guessed it: TWO Paul Rudds!
And luckily for you and I, that’s exactly what Netflix will be giving us this fall.
In his first leading role in a TV series, Rudd stars in Living With Yourself as Miles, a man who is — to put it lightly — going through a tough time. Looking to break out of his funk, Miles undergoes a novel spa treatment that promises to make him a better person. And the treatment does certainly make him a better person… by literally replacing him with a new and improved version of himself.
The Netflix original series Living With Yourself is an inventive existential comedy that asks: do we really want to be better? Miles (Paul Rudd) is a man struggling in life. When he undergoes a novel spa treatment that promises to make him a better person, he finds he’s been replaced by a new and improved version of himself. As he deals with the unintended consequences of his actions, Miles finds he must fight for his wife Kate (Aisling Bea), his career, and his very identity.
Living With Yourself — created by Emmy Award winner Timothy Greenberg (The Daily Show with Jon Stewart) — will run for eight episodes and will premiere on Netflix worldwide on Friday, October 18.





Eric is a New York City-based writer who still isn’t sure how he’s allowed to have this much fun for a living and will tell anyone who listens that Gotham City is canonically in New Jersey. Contact him: eric@brobible.com.