I guess the world of RC planes and jets has changed a lot since the last time I flew one, which was approximately two decades ago back when I was a little kid. This RC Turbine Jet just set the RC world record for fastest flight after it reached an astounding 451 MPH (727 KMH).
When I was a kid, my uncle who is also a pilot tried to get me interested in planes by taking me to fly RC planes out in an empty field. These were huge ass RC planes with extremely wide wingspans. They didn’t go very fast but they looked pretty cool in the air while making wide swooping turns. But that’s not the kind of movement that was needed to keep my attention.
If we had turbine jets out there closing in on 500 MPH I would’ve probably grown up to become a pilot because this is some of the coolest shit I’ve ever seen. Ladies and gentleman, the future is now.