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A new, very lengthy and in-depth report by The Globe and Mail claims Instagram uses some rather shady psychological tactics to get people to use the app more when they’ve been ignoring it.
In their report, which focuses on the fact that smartphones have not only changed the way we do a plethora of things, they have also changed the way we, as human beings, think and interact.
According to the research they studied, “smartphones are causing real damage to our minds and relationships, measurable in seconds shaved off the average attention span, reduced brain power, declines in work-life balance and hours less of family time.”
“They have impaired our ability to remember. They make it more difficult to daydream and think creatively. They make us more vulnerable to anxiety. They make parents ignore their children. And they are addictive, if not in the contested clinical sense then for all intents and purposes.”
Do you disagree with any of that?
As we reported earlier this month, a study of addiction to sites like Facebook stated that it creates feelings similar to that of having sex or doing cocaine.
Some of those executives that were involved in creating this new culture actually even feel bad about it.
“I feel tremendous guilt,” said Chamath Palihapitiya, former vice-president of user growth at Facebook, in a public talk in November. “I think we all knew in the back of our minds… something bad could happen.
“The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works,” he went on gravely, before a hushed audience at Stanford business school. “It is eroding the core foundations of how people behave.”
Ever wonder why social media apps are constantly bugging you to turn your notifications on?
They know that once the icons start flashing onto your lock screen, you won’t be able to ignore them. It’s also why Facebook switched the colour of its notifications from a mild blue to attention-grabbing red.
Stanford psychologist B.J. Fogg predicted computers could and would take massive advantage of our susceptibility to the nagging. “People get tired of saying no; everyone has a moment of weakness when it’s easier to comply than to resist,” he wrote in his book Persuasive Technology… IN 2002!
Now here comes the shady, somewhat insidious part…
The makers of smartphone apps rightly believe that part of the reason we’re so curious about those notifications is that people are desperately insecure and crave positive feedback with a kneejerk desperation. Matt Mayberry, who works at a California startup called Dopamine Labs, says it’s common knowledge in the industry that Instagram exploits this craving by strategically withholding “likes” from certain users. If the photo-sharing app decides you need to use the service more often, it’ll show only a fraction of the likes you’ve received on a given post at first, hoping you’ll be disappointed with your haul and check back again in a minute or two. “They’re tying in to your greatest insecurities,” Mr. Mayberry said.
Instagram’s CTO Mike Krieger strongly denied that they use this tactic in a Twitter conversation with Andrea Coravos, the CEO of Elektra Labs.
Wait. @instagram strategically *withholds* "likes" from users that they believe might disengage hoping they'll be disappointed and recheck the app?! Harvesting painful insecurities. This is so messed up. https://t.co/tXs9R1T1zK pic.twitter.com/Yba9qfovnf
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 12, 2018
Apparently @Twitter uses a similar approach. You'll notice there is a short delay after the page loads for when the # of notifications bubble appears. WTF. Small trickery. Source: https://t.co/lREZoDuc6O
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 12, 2018
And a nice reminder of what all this tech is doing to society. https://t.co/vRAyMPNRq4 pic.twitter.com/Q2PS1aZG3c
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 12, 2018
UPDATE (1): Adding in @mikeyk, CTO of @instagram's response to this Tweet below. Including this b/c it's important to break the cycle of incomplete/false information. 👇 https://t.co/Nf7x42I33b
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 14, 2018
UPDATE (2): Given the new information, there should be mechanism to "recall" the original Tweet to stop the spread. I don't believe in deleting tweets. You should be able to examine its history/context. Newspapers have a way to make "corrections"; Twitter should, too. @jack
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 14, 2018
UPDATE (3): As @JediJeremy noted, there is a difference between *cause* (e.g., delayed "likes" due to a technical constraint) and *social effect*. Even if the emotional outcome (disappointment/insecurity) isn't *intentional*, it doesn't make the social effect acceptable.
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 14, 2018
UPDATE (4): Reading the comments/replies, there's a lot more going on here than whether the "delayed likes" and "batched notifications" on @instagram are intentional or not. Emotional manipulation by technology, even if unintentional, is impacting us.
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 14, 2018
UPDATE (5): Deleting the original Tweet does not solve all of the problems. This is a system/product failure. We need a better @Twitter (@facebook, @instagram) product design for humans. If you want to see change, use this exchange as an example. @jack @mikeyk @sherylsandberg
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 14, 2018
UPDATE (6): Worth reading @UseDopamine's response. Social media companies choose how and when to send out the "bundles" of notifications. https://t.co/SIUSOQncFo
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 15, 2018
Thanks @mikeyk — could you clarify by what you mean by "this"? Meaning that Instagram will always update the # of likes instantaneously? How are notifications handled? These often seem bundled on my app. What's the underlying algorithm/trigger points?
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 14, 2018
Thanks for the clarification for inside app "likes". How are outside-of-app (e.g., iOS/Android) push notifications optimized? I've gotten notifications saying someone has “liked” a photo hours after the “like” showed up in the app. Is this a bug or a feature?
— Andy Coravos (@AndreaCoravos) January 17, 2018
Krieger stopped responding at this point.
Dopamine Labs, the company quoted in the report, also weighed in on the conversation.
(1/5) That comment from our @mattmayberry is backed by public statements of Facebook leaders and industry best practices. We don't have privileged sources to Instagram specifically.
Like their CTO said, . . .
— Boundless Mind (@BoundlessAI) January 14, 2018
(2/5) . . IG doesn't send push notifications for likes when they happen. They pool them. To figure out when to send those bundles, Instagram uses a policy algorithm. It is well know industry best practice to A/B test push notification policies like the one used by Instagram . . .
— Boundless Mind (@BoundlessAI) January 14, 2018
(3/5) It's also best practice to set the "success criteria" used to pick between different test policies as a mix of short term and long term engagement metrics. Sean Parker has said "consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible. . .
— Boundless Mind (@BoundlessAI) January 14, 2018
(4/5) [quote cont] . . We need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while, because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever."
We agree that these tools are powerful but we also believe that they can be used for good https://t.co/lVtoeE1O8V
— Boundless Mind (@BoundlessAI) January 14, 2018
(5/5) The problem isn't the ability to change behavior; it's the way that companies like Instagram choose to change behavior, and the fact that they appear to being doing it without actually understanding what they're doing may be worse.
— Boundless Mind (@BoundlessAI) January 14, 2018
The use of smartphones and social media apps are causing real issues such as an increase in attention-deficit disorder, the lowering of the average human attention span, mothers and fathers paying less attention to their kids, and even the lowering of people’s IQ scores.
John Ratey, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and an expert on attention-deficit disorder, stated the symptoms of people with ADD and people with smartphones are “absolutely the same.”
Do yourself a favor and read the entire report by The Globe and Mail here.