I think women always do a good job of admitting when other women are hot or by far the best looking in the room. Guys have a tough time tipping their cap to other dudes in the room that are clearly the best looking. When it comes to Tyler Cameron, who was the runner up in the 2019 season of ‘The Bachelorette,’ you have no choice but to tip your cap and give credit where credit is due.
The kid is simply just a dreamboat and ladies go absolutely nuts for this guy. I spent the weekend in Santa Fe, New Mexico with him and left with a picture that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to bounce back from.
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I want to take a close look into this picture of me that was posted to his 2.2 million followers. If you can see past the fact that my eyes are trying to fight through the eight shots of tequila I just had, you will also see that my phone is just clinging on for dear life in my pocket. I am one step away here from a hungover 8 AM appointment at Verizon to get my shattered iPhone repaired. And if that doesn’t give Bachelorette nation enough of a reason to rip me to shreds, how about this outrageous farmers tan I got going?
Some call it a golf tan which would also be correct, but I find a golf tan to be more graceful than a farmer’s tan and by no means is that thing on my arm graceful. Look, it’s no easy task to take a picture next to Cameron no matter what time you catch him, but I just have to clean up my act, plain and simple. Pants are outrageously too tight, and my bicep is begging for some sunlight as much as my body is craving some H2O, or any type of liquid that isn’t tequila at the time this picture was taken.
My goal of this blog was to completely rip myself apart before Cameron’s 2.2 million could do it themselves. Sometimes life is just about getting ahead of the game, so go ahead Bachelorette nation, I’m ready for you.