Shaq Made Hundreds Of Kids Cry On Christmas And We Need To Celebrate Him For It

Shaq Made Hundreds Of Kids Cry With Amazing Surprise Christmas Gifts

Getty Image / Derek White

  • Shaq made hundreds of kids in McDonough, Georgia cry (happy tears) on Christmas thanks to his enormous generosity
  • He surprised an entire school with some of the most sought after toys in the world and made it a Christmas to remember for 500 lucky children
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Shaq is the man. Always has been, always will be. Every time he’s on the screen you know something good is going to happen and in person he’s basically better at making kid’s dreams come true than Santa Claus even if means hundreds of kids are crying.

First off, Shaq doesn’t accept gifts. The only gift in Shaq’s life is the gift of giving, the joy he receives from making other people happy. He recently said “I do not accept gifts. You show me a movie where Santa receives gifts and I’ll take one.”

Shaq Gives Aways 1000 PS5’s and 1000 Nintendo Switches on Christmas

And this is all after he came from humble beginnings. Ahead of Christmas this year where he made the dreams of 500 kids come true, Shaq explained that he did it because he never wants a child to experience what Christmas was like for him as a kid. He said he never wants a child to “wake up and not get one single toy on Christmas, and I don’t want any child to have to go through that.

This year, Shaq went to a school in McDonough, Georgia and gifted 500 lucky children the best presents on the market. He pulled some strings at Nintendo and PlayStation and gave away thousands of presents. Shaq was so generous he said there were kids crying left and right. His full quote:

“My father was a drill sergeant, my mother just was a hard-working woman. They had little, but they taught me the value of giving back. They taught me the value of helping those in need. I called you know, my friend from Nintendo Switch. Ordered about 1000 Switches and 1000 PS5s. I went to Walmart and got bikes. So you know yesterday, at this little elementary school in McDonough Georgia, kids were crying, kids were happy. And that’s what it’s all about.”

Did I mention that Shaq is the man?

Footage Of Shaquille O’Neal Making Christmas Special For Hundreds Of Kids

Shaq Made Hundreds Of Kids Cry With Amazing Surprise Christmas Gifts

Getty Image / Derek White

The world needs more people like Shaq in it. People who make such a positive impact on the people around them that they inspire others to be better.

Maybe my brain is soup from reading my son kid’s books about Christmas for the past month but I have really bought into the idea that the best gifts are the ones we love to give. Shaq has mastered the art of making Christmas special for thousands of people ever day and he deserves praise for it.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.