Have you heard? The holiday shopping season is here. Perhaps you have seen a thing or two about that since Thanksgiving came and went.
As such, the folks over at SkinStore decided that they were interested in finding out which states in America actually spend the most on holiday gifts and the like.
So to find out, the conducted a survey of over 2,000 Americans and what they discovered was which U.S. states are this season’s top spenders, what the most-wanted gifts are this year, and the differences between expectations and actual spending between men and women.
As far as which states spend the most on holiday shopping, Texas leads the pack with an average around $900. Florida came second, followed by New York, Massachusetts, and Ohio. I guess everything really is bigger in Texas, including their wallets.
On the bottom end of the holiday spending spectrum were Washington, California and Nevada with an average of just $180.
As for men vs. women when it comes to holiday spending, American women spend almost double that of men around the holidays. Go figure.
When it comes to expectations, 80% of women expect their man to spend a minimum of $250 on them this Christmas. However, the average man actually spends around $90. Whoops!
As for the men, they expect $200 to be spent on them, although 70% of women actually spend as much as $170. Hmmm… lower expectations = higher reality?
Meanwhile, 80% of those surveyed said that they would love to just get a cash gift, yet only 2% would dare to actually ask for it.
Family and friends are the most obvious people Americans buy gifts for, but don’t tell that to dear old dad. According to the survey, poor pop gets hosed on the deal with just 2% spending the most on their fathers.
Now, when it comes to what people want (other than cash, of course) and don’t want, you might want to steer clear of old standbys like jewelry and clothing for your lady.
Men, on the other hand, have no interest in books and food (unless alcohol counts as food).
Got all that? Good. Now get out there and do some shopping!
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