Steve-O And Jason Mewes Talk About The Existence Of ‘Special Drug Dealers’ For Celebrities

  • Steve-O sat down with Jason Mewes of ‘Clerks’ and ‘Mallrats’ where the two discussed their histories of drug use
  • Steve-O’s producer Scott Randolph asked the pair if they have special ‘celebrity drug dealers’ and what it’s like buying drugs as a celebrity
  • Read more articles about Steve-O right here

One of the beautiful things about Steve-O’s podcast is how you never know where the conversation is headed. We’ve seen him discuss everything from faking dangerous scenes on MTV’s Wildboyz to Danny Trejo’s time as boxing champ in prison.

Steve-O recently hosted actor Jason Mewes on his podcast. Both of these celebrities have very public histories of drug use and abuse. Mewes has been very open about his heroin addiction and substance abuse in the past.

In this episode, Steve-O’s producer Scott Randolph posed an interesting question about being a celebrity and buying drugs. Randolph asked the pair if ‘special drug dealers’ exist for celebrities and what it’s like buying or using drugs when you’re famous. I’ve always assumed that someone in the entourage goes out to buy drugs but it turns out there’s not always an entourage, and sometimes you just don’t care about public appearance at all.

Steve-O And Jason Mewes Talk ‘Special Drug Dealers’ For Celebs

I don’t want to transcribe the entire clip but here is the back and forth exchange between Jason Mewes talking about where he’d go to buy his drugs and Steve-O’s biggest fear…

Scott Randolph: As celebrities, do you guys have special drug dealers that only deal with celebrities or is it just kind of like whatever? Do you have to be conscious of that if you’re buying drugs after a movie?

Jason Mewes: Me personally, I don’t feel like I ever got lucky to where I found somebody. I get what you’re saying, where you’ve got a dude delivering who will specialize and be quiet, especially here in L.A.

Scott Randolph: Would you just go to Skid Row?

Jason Mewes: I had a guy that I could call but he didn’t even know who I was. I remember at one point, I had no money, I was really dope sick, and I remember bringing like a signed poster of one of my movies and a few items that I had like a stereo surround sound.

And I brought it all to him like “c’mon man, I don’t have any money” and I’m like “look at this poster, this is at least forty bucks right here” and he’s like “I don’t care.” He didn’t want anything I brought him but the stereo system and surround sound but he still was annoyed about that. That was my one guy for years that I dealt with but I never had that like ‘guy’.

And then coke (cocaine) for me, it was like if you go out people would always offer you coke. Nobody would ever offer me heroin or opiates. It was taboo. No one ever offered that. I would have to like find someone and maybe someone sold a couple of pills. Or I would go get heroin and it would be downtown and it was the same guy for a long time.

Steve-O: The way Scott asked that question I think he was framing it a little bit more like ‘people who aren’t going to say, hey, I sold drugs to Jason Mewes’ But I think when you’re in the space of drug dealing, a little bit of discretion kind of comes along with the turf.

But it’s crazy to me to imagine, I think that’s kind of been my biggest fear in the whole world is to be famous and broke. To be recognizable and not have money AND have a drug habit. Like, f–k dude.

Check out the rest of the clip above for the full exchange.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at